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8 Negative Side Effects Of Taking Collagen

Collagen supplements are becoming more and more popular as consumers look to take control of their diet and lifestyle choices to improve the way they look and feel. Collagen is, after all, one of the most important structural proteins in the body. It helps with maintaining strength, flexibility, and elasticity of the skin, hair, nails, bones, tendons, ligaments, muscles, cartilage, blood vessels, organs, eyes and joints. All these parts are essential to the integrity of your appearance and health. However collagen supplements can come with several unwanted side effects that you should be aware of before taking them.

1) Skin Irritation

Acne can also occur as a side effect of taking collagen supplements. Because collagen is so rich in protein, it has an insulin-like effect on our body and can cause blood sugar levels to spike, contributing to acne flare ups. Additionally, ingredients used in some collagen products can irritate your skin if you are allergic or sensitive to them. We recommend speaking with your doctor before taking any new supplements—especially if you have existing acne or other related skin conditions.

2) Headaches

If you feel headaches, indigestion or excessive burping after taking collagen, stop. These are all signs that your body is not tolerating high doses. Your best bet is to start with one capsule twice a day for several days until you see how your body reacts before upping your dosage. If these side effects subside then you can increase your daily dose gradually over time.

3) Constipation

As your body absorbs collagen, it will absorb liquid as well. The extra liquid can cause constipation. To avoid constipation, make sure you drink plenty of water and eat fiber-rich foods. Make sure you also increase your consumption of fruits and vegetables; they’re chock full of fiber and antioxidants to keep your digestive system healthy and on point.

4) Bad Breath

One side effect of taking collagen supplements is edema, or swelling. This happens because your body isn’t used to absorbing it, which can result in an imbalance in electrolytes and fluids throughout your body. If you experience swelling, you should discontinue taking collagen for a week or two and then re-start at a lower dose to see if that reduces symptoms. If your symptoms don’t improve within 24 hours, contact your doctor for help before continuing with collagen use.

5) Swelling

Swelling is actually one of collagen’s most common side effects. If you are sensitive to collagen, your body may react to it by causing water retention. Most often, swelling occurs in your face and hands. The severity depends on how much collagen you take in at once and how long you have been taking it. You should stop taking any supplement that causes excessive swelling for at least 24 hours before trying again. Consult a medical professional if further swelling occurs or if you notice other strange reactions while taking collagen supplements.

6) Gas and Bloating

You may notice that you have more gas or bloating when taking collagen. The reason for that is that our bodies use collagen to make protein. Which are both building blocks for our muscles and other body parts, including our skin. If you are getting enough protein in your diet already, then adding an additional source could cause your system to be overloaded. That said, gas and bloating are common symptoms in people who don’t get enough protein each day, so it’s possible that these effects would be temporary if you were deficient in protein to begin with.

7) Cramps and Muscle Spasms

Natural collagen isn’t processed by your body and can cause severe constipation and diarrhea. You may also experience severe stomach cramps and muscle spasms if you take too much collagen, which is most common with oral supplements. These side effects can occur within hours of consumption. But, they often clear up within a few days as your body begins to process natural collagen. If these side effects persist or worsen, stop taking collagen supplements and contact your doctor immediately.

8) Nausea

Because collagen doesn’t have a long track record in terms of medicinal use, not much is known about its long-term effects on your body. In rare cases, taking collagen for more than a few months has been linked to nausea and an increase in bad breath. While these side effects aren’t life-threatening, it is recommended that you seek medical advice if they persist over a longer period of time.


Positive results have been reported with collagen supplements. But, there are also some negative side effects that must be considered before starting a regimen. Always talk to your doctor before taking any new supplement or changing an existing supplement routine.

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