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Are You Suffering from Postpartum Depression?

Postpartum Depression

Postpartum depression, also known as PPD, is depression that appears during or after pregnancy and lasts until the baby’s first birthday. While it is normal to experience a range of emotions after giving birth, you may be suffering from depression if you feel sad or anxious more days than not, have a hard time focusing on day-to-day tasks or have feelings of despair and hopelessness. If this sounds like you, take the next step to recovery by booking an appointment with your local gynecologist in Lahore.

What is postpartum depression?

Postpartum depression is a major depressive disorder that can affect women after childbirth. It’s a time when your hormone levels fluctuate wildly, and you often have too much on your plate to do everything perfectly (if possible, at all).
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According to WebMD, up to 20% of all women suffer from postpartum depression, so if you think you may be suffering from it or another disorder, please see your Health Care provider for testing and treatment.

Signs of PPD

Many women experience a natural, hormonal shift in mood due to pregnancy and delivery, but true postpartum depression isn’t normal. If you are suffering from PPD after giving birth or think you might be suffering from it, certain signs indicate your symptoms could be serious.

Who can get PPD?

Women may be at risk for postpartum depression after having a baby if they have a history of mood disorders or prior episodes of depression.
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Researchers also have found that women are more likely to develop PPD if they were depressed during pregnancy, had an unwanted pregnancy, had a difficult labor and delivery, experienced sleep problems in their child’s first month, suffered from low levels of certain hormones after giving birth or had stressful life events around the time their child was born.

How to manage PPD

A lot of women suffer from PPD after they give birth. It is a very serious condition and one that requires immediate treatment. Many women start feeling better on their own in a few weeks, but others don’t feel relief for as long as three months to six months, depending on how severe their symptoms are. If you think you might be suffering from PPD, consult your health care provider immediately and discuss treatment options.

Where to go for help

If you suspect you are suffering from postpartum depression, get help. Call your doctor and make an appointment with a health care professional who can properly diagnose you and then recommend a treatment plan to help combat your illness.
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You may also seek advice from a gynecologist in Lahore, who can monitor your progress and administer any prescribed medications. You must have an open discussion with your doctor so they understand exactly what’s going on with you.


According to Health Care, some of these symptoms include feeling depressed more than usual, feeling guilty about taking care of your baby and your other children, crying too much and not being able to smile anymore.

If you feel like any of these are taking over your life, please visit a gynecologist in Lahore. These doctors are trained to recognize postpartum depression and will help you make sure that you receive treatment for it as soon as possible.

Treatment Options

You must seek treatment for postpartum depression. With today’s medical advancements, numerous effective treatments are available to help you live a happier, healthier life.

When speaking with your doctor, be sure to educate yourself on all of your options to make an informed decision about which treatment plan is best for you and your baby.

If you have any questions or concerns about postpartum depression, contact a best gynecologist in Lahore near me who specializes in women’s health today!

Nutrition Tips

When it comes to postpartum depression, a healthy diet can be a huge help. The following tips may help you feel better during and after your pregnancy.

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