Breast Lift Workouts: 11 Exercises for Sagging Breasts
Every woman desire to have nice and lifted breasts. Saggy breasts make women feel under-confident. Some of the reasons for saggy breasts are hormonal changes, weight gain, pregnancy, and even weight loss. But the good thing is you can make your breasts firm again. This article will find the best breast lift workout positions that will lift your breasts and make you feel more confident.
Best Exercises to Lift Sagging Breast
Cobra Pose
Cobra pose is an easy exercise to lift sagging breasts. For this exercise, slide on your stomach and rest the tops of your feet on the floor. Now keep your hands under your shoulder and tuck in your elbows. Lift your chest and head while keeping your shoulders back and neck neutral. Now hold onto this pose for around 30 seconds and start again. Repeat the exercise 3 times.
Traveling Plank
Travelling plank is one of the best exercises to lift breasts. Start by keeping your body in a plank position. Your neck and head should be neutral, and your hands should be under the shoulders. Ensure that your back is not sagging. Now slowly lift your right foot and right hand off the ground and then step a foot towards the right. This is your first repetition. Be in this position for 2-3 seconds, and then repeat the same with the second side. Repeat this three times.
Another great breast firming workout. Place your body in a plank position. Make sure that your hands are placed wider as compared to your shoulders. Now start bending your elbows and lowering yourself until your chest comes close to the floors. Your elbows should not be bowed at 90 degrees, and they should be closer to your body.
Stability Ball Chest Press
The stability ball chest press is a great breast lift workout. This exercise makes sure that your chest and triceps move through a wide range of motion. This exercise targets the pecs, which help in lifting the breasts. Place your body in a starting position and then rest on a stability ball to form a 900 angle with your body. Both hands should have dumbbells. Now move your arms, and make sure your arms are parallel to the floor. Raise the dumbbells simultaneously.
Medicine Ball Superman
For this exercise, start by lying down on your stomach and extending your arms. Make sure you are holding a medicine ball. Raise your legs, upper body, and the medicine ball. Lift as high as possible. But make sure that you are not straining your neck.
Dumbbell Pullover
Start by sitting on a bench or a stability ball by holding one medium-weight dumbbell or two lightweight dumbbells. Lie down and walk ahead until your knees for a 90 degree angle. Ensure that the dumbbells are perpendicular to the ground and over your chest. Now lower your dumbbell at the back of your head till you feel a slight pull. Pause for a second and then return to the starting position.
Cable Crossover
One of the best chest exercises to lift breasts is cable crossover. This exercise hits the muscles in the chest from a different angle. It makes sure that the muscles in the chest area are correctly worked out to give you a well-rounded look. For this exercise, grab the handles from above the head, step forward, bring your hands in front of you, and slowly take them back to the starting position. Repeat this 12 times.
Butterfly Machine
The butterfly machine is another excellent breast lift workout. Start by adjusting the seat of your machine to your height. Sit on the machine and then grip the handles properly. Push your arms with the help of the chest muscles. Once your hands reach the middle, slowly move back to the starting position.
Incline Dumb Bell Chest Press
Start by lying down on the bench and keeping your dumbbells in your hands. Bring the dumbbells towards your chest, and ensure your upper arms are parallel to the ground. Once the dumbbells are above you, bring your arms back down. Repeat this for 12 reps.
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Bar Bench Press
One of the best exercises to lift sagging breasts is the bar bench press. Lie flat on the bench and position your hands wider than your shoulders. Now push the barbell straight upwards, pause for a second and bring the bar back to your chest. Repeat this 12 times.
Cable Oblique Twist
Make sure the pulley is at your shoulder level. Place yourself on the right side of the machine and pull the attachments from your hands. Try to twist your upper body, then pause and return to starting position. Repeat this 10 times.
A breast lift workout is a great way to lift the breasts; however, these exercises require time and patience. An alternative way to achieve lifted breasts is to go for breast lift surgery.