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Duct cleaning, how, when, and why?

Professional cleaner disinfecting air vents at a factory during the COVID-19 pandemic wearing a protective suit

Air ducts are very important elements for the proper conditioning and condition of the environment in the rooms of any building. For this reason, cleaning and good maintenance are essential. 

Next, the SCS Group Integrated Services team will give you a hand and solve some of the most frequent doubts related to duct cleaning. If you have doubts about the periodicity and the reasons why you should clean your ducts, pay attention!

Why is it necessary to clean the ventilation ducts?

Air and ventilation ducts are very important parts of buildings, since thanks to them, the people who inhabit them breathe quality, clean and purified air. 

For this reason, it is essential that these ducts are always in good condition. What does that mean? Simple: they must be kept clean and healthy because if they have an accumulation of waste, the air that passes through them will be contaminated

Nor should we forget that an accumulation of residue and dirt in the ventilation ducts can also lead to an infestation of rodents and other animals. These can build a nest at the entrances or exits of these tubes. 

How often should the ventilation ducts be cleaned?

The frequency of air ducts cleaning air ducts depends on many factors. Therefore, it is difficult to specify a single and determined time for all cases. However, experts recommend cleaning within two or three years.

That yes, if when being in a room, office, or living room of a home, anyone can observe an excess of dust particles in the air, this shows that the duct must be cleaned urgently. To do this, SCS Group Integrated Services can help you if you need a duct cleaning in Sydney.

When Should Air Conditioning Duct Cleaning Be Done?

The most frequent recommendation is that the ducts be cleaned at least once a year. The frequency of cleaning will also be determined by weather, the work being done inside the site, and the outside environment.

This cleaning ensures that accumulated layers of dust, mold because of humidity, mites, and even pet hair are removed. If you notice any build-up of debris or microbial growth and particulate emission through the ductwork, maintenance should be done.

In industrial companies, they do more frequent industrial cleaning than in residential areas, given the operations inherent to each of them. It is important that from time to time damaged filters are also checked and changed and the areas are kept clean of dust, to avoid any obstruction.

Why Should Air Conditioning Ducts Be Kept Clean?

If air conditioning equipment is properly maintained, it tends to work with less effort and consumes less energy. In addition, the health of the people who make common life in these environments will also be protected from respiratory problems and allergies, caused by the accumulated dirt.

This cleaning and maintenance guarantees greater comfort and reduces the pollution of the air that we breathe in our homes or workplaces. With offices, by improving air quality, work absenteeism is reduced, productivity is increased and we offer comfort to both customers and employees.

In addition, cleaning the air conditioning filters is also important. These are the receptors for all the dust that circulates in the environment. If the filters become clogged, the circulating air will be of poor quality and the system will run poorly, which can cause damage to the compressor.

The filters are easy to clean and are at the rear of the indoor unit. They can be cleaned with a vacuum cleaner or washed with a neutral detergent and left to dry.

Cleaning procedure for air conditioning systems?

 How do they carry out duct cleaning at SCS Group Integrated Services?

SCS Group Integrated Services carries out duct cleaning in a different way. Each case requires a series of specific methods and parameters, depending on the characteristics of each business or facility.

SCS Group Integrated Services uses the most advanced technology guaranteeing a healthy environment by eliminating micro bacterial agents that spread through the refrigeration ducts.



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