Ultimate Social Media Advertising Strategy
Who can know what is best for the company itself to define the business’s social media advertising strategy? Services like Facebook Ads, Twitter Ads or Google AdWords seem to make it easy for you. It is very tempting, although sometimes, it can be counterproductive if you are not an expert in the field. Social media advertising is a great help in growing a business, reaching the target and increasing sales, but… do you really know how to define the definitive advertising strategy?
The fact is that candy is often not as sweet as they sell it, and if you are not careful, you may even lose money. From time to time, we receive this type of profile. Freelancers, brands and companies that initially believed they could carry out the logistics of processes involved in effectively implementing advertising campaigns on social networks; in the end, they find it very difficult to define their social advertising strategy. In some cases, even the brand’s prestige has been seriously damaged. Contrary to what some companies believe, the main reason is to create an effective advertising strategy.
It is not just mounting ads and spreading them through networks or other platforms; a well-done strategy begins by analyzing the brand, knowing the target we are targeting and being very clear about the marketing objectives to be achieved.
How to create an ultimate social media advertising strategy
Analyze the target and configure the advertising strategy
You must think about what your potential customers need, how they want it, in what way and by when. It is not enough to draw from experience or intuition to know the target that best suits your product or service. You must understand the user who buys from you, know his motivations, and what you offer that is different: Your price? Customer service? Quality Products? Before starting the advertising strategy on social networks, you must know the brand’s strengths and project them in the advertising campaign. If you know why they buy, you will have a lot of ground.
Defining the Buyer Persona of the company is crucial for the advertising strategy on social networks to succeed. The more knowledge of the target, the more specific the segmentation of the public can be, the definition of the objective of the campaign can coincide with the need of the possible client, and the creation of the advertisement will attract their attention. Once you know the reasons for the sales you generate and understand the motivations of the user who follows you on social networks, you can start creating the potion that will result in the definitive Buyer Persona. It should be said that depending on the advertising platform you use and the network you target, the profile changes, so your strategy should also be different.
“Let it flow.” Like to use that expression within our online marketing and advertising agency with our clients so that the campaigns and the definitive network advertising strategy flow among the public to filter effectively in the different social networks through advertising.
The best services in this field, so if you want these services, you must visit a
We provide the best services in this field, so if you want these services, you must visit social media advertising services.
Implement the right strategy for each social network
Another widespread error is the one in which one pulls from their list of subscribers to send generic promotions, but few sales are achieved that way. Some of our clients turn to us after the failure of their advertising campaign that has impacted their database, has not achieved sales results and has burned such an important asset as the client database. Hence the importance of taking performance marketing into account for a company.
When we talk about it, we talk about distinguishing the type of user in each social network and taking advantage of their interests to offer valuable information. For example, it is possible that the person who follows you on Facebook is not on Twitter and vice versa. So, on the one hand, we are defining the brand’s target and discovering why they buy on our website and not on another; at the same time, we seek to define the follower profile most in tune with the brand on each social network.
The “trial and error” advertising strategy
Once the advertising campaign is created, what comes next is the metric. The control of the results month by month and testing different KPI configurations to perfect the capture or visibility method. Carry out A/B tests on ads and multivariate audience segmentation. Test, test and test to optimize the client’s investment in advertising.
Advertising usually attracts many visits to the site, new users who discover your website. Who you are and what you offer. Configuring a highly personalized, segmented advertising strategy on social networks will help convert visits into leads. However, the work shown in the content and design of the website is also important to finish convincing the user. A bad design, poor web architecture, poor usability or very dense or too simple texts. The money invested in getting a new user to the web falls on deaf ears. We have been working on online marketing for more than 14 years; we practically grew up with it. However, carrying out an advertising strategy
on social networks is a challenge that is often not considered. We do not blame whoever tries to undertake such an enterprise. But we must warn him of the risks he runs. After all, when defining the investment in advertising, more important. Then the capital one invests is the return on investment (ROI) it achieves.
Social media as a lead generator
Advertising on social networks can reach the target that a brand or company establishes as its target audience. And not only that, but it can reach this target through different channels: YouTube, Pinterest, Instagram, Facebook, Twitter… Although the key is not to be present in all social networks. But to choose those which find your company’s target.
For example, suppose you are considering advertising on YouTube. In that case, working by segmenting the audience well is optimal. And choosing the videos to appear in, always with the Buyer Persona in mind. Instagram will benefit the business if it is a young target. Or with themes in which the visual impact can be worked well. On the other hand, social media marketing firm campaigns on Twitter can increase brand reputation and allow a complete target segmentation.
Likewise, the presence in networks at an organic level, and not only in advertising. It is an important factor in retaining users. Sharing articles, conducting surveys, and offering customer service through comments attract. The user’s attention and the message “we are here to help” is launched.
You can always take that journey with us, but we will answer any questions. Obstacles if you dare to try it on your own.
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