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Want to improve Google ranking? Here are 5 best tips for you

Improve Google Ranking

Best tips to Improve Google Ranking

There are so many blogs and the number is multiplying at a jet speed. The question is how to create your unique position amongst such a thick crowd. There isn’t a sure shot answer to this question. However, with the right strategy and following well defined trajectory you can be nearer to you goals. In this blog we are going to mention some of the less popular yet equally effective tips to gain a good visibility for your blogs across different digital platforms and eventually improve Google ranking of your site:

Wisely use conclusion part to create lasting relations and sparking conversations

One of the less known ways to increase the audience’s engagement is tailoring the conclusion part in such a way that encourages readers to share their thoughts. Have you ever noticed that successful bloggers generally use questions or encourage their audiences to share their thoughts on a specific topic? Some bloggers even encourage their audiences to use the tips and tracks they mentioned in their posts and revert to their personal experiences. Such things will help make your posts memorable to the readers. By engaging actively with the post the readers start feeling like a part of the writing process which helps in building organic close bonds with the readers.


Along with high-quality material and using numbers you also need to use quotes from industry experts and veterans to support your claims and statements. That said you need to wait for some time before seeing the results and perseverance is the key to success.

Remove unnecessary plugins

Upgrade your WordPress as well as WP plugins to the latest versions

Demand regular report from your hosting provider

Employ caching plugins (such as wp-rocket)

Strategically minimize the file size of your images

Strategically Use YouTube or other streaming service for videos

Use content delivery network to support big CSS files or numerous images

Use mobile-friendly layout

As the ever-increasing number of audiences use a mobile device to browse the net it has become mandatory for any growth-seeking website to use the responsive image that offers a uniform experience and view regardless of the screen size and user interaction model of the device.

Strategically position your keywords

Once you have thoroughly researched the keywords, the next thing is to offer the right position. The Google bots are highly advanced and they can determine the worth f your webpage by just focusing on the main keywords used in different parts of the structure like the headings, lists, and bullet points. It is also important to spread your keywords throughout the different parts of your rite like Meta title, description, page title, URL, and other key elements. It helps in streamlining ad shortening the crawling process and offers tangible SEO benefits for your blog posts.

Use right keyword density

Along with positioning the density of your keywords also plays an important role. Keywords with lower density don’t help Google to easily crawl the blog posts. Likewise, the high-density keywords may alert Google and can get your site penalized. For that, you can use the tools like Yoast SEO to understand if you have used the right density of keywords or not. It is equally important that the first keyword should be used within the first 150 words. Along with using on your own platform you can also use keywords while publishing guest posts on high authority platforms in the same niche.



Due to its heavy popularity many web hosting providers offer an in built provision for building a WordPress blog with just a few clicks and an easy process. Once you build WordPress blog the next thing is to make it popular and stand out of the crowd. For that there are various strategies. In this blog we mentioned some of the less popular but equally competent tips to enhance the ranking of your blog. All these tips help you improve the ranking of your blog. Alternatively, if you need quicker results by outsourcing this task then you can also consider hiring marketing agencies for quicker results. Such agencies have the right team, tools and processes to help you achieve your goals faster.

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